Here are the some multi-choice questions enlisted for preparation for Pre Examination online Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. These Multi-choice questions or MCQs can help you in your CS & CA and other law related exams. We have also provided Online exam solved answers for your preparation.

Note: Answers highlighted in Green are right answers.

11. There is no need for presumptions?

  1. The intention of the legislation is clear
  2. The intention of the legislation is not clear
  3. Can be use din any condition
  4. All of the above
  1. Where in an enactment, there are two provisions which cannot be reconciled with each other; they should be so interpreted that, if possible effect may be given to both. This is what known as the_____________
  1. Rule of harmonious construction
  2. Rule of reasonable construction
  3. Rule of ejusdem generis
  1. According ________ rule of interpretation meaning of word should be known from its Accompany ignore associating words?
  1. Mischief rule
  2. Golden rule
  3. Noscitur a sociis
  4. Primary rule
  1. ________means that contemp or an eousex position is the best and strongest in law?
  1. Ejusdem generis
  2. Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est Fortissima in Lege
  3. Noscitur a sociis
  4. None of above
  1. Interpretation of statute should not be given a meaning which would make other________ Provisions?
  1. In effective
  2. Redundant
  3. Dormant
  4. None of the above
  1. Rule of ejusdem generic is applicable when__________?
  1. Specific word follow general words
  2. General word follows specific words
  3. Either (a) or (b)
  4. Both (a) and (b)
  1. According to which rule of interpretation old statutes should be interpreted as they would Have been at the date when they were passed?
  1. Expression unisest exclusion alteri us
  2. Contemporanea Exposition Est Optima Est FortissimainLege
  3. Utresmag is valeat Quam Pareat
  4. Nosciur a Sociis
  1. According to primary rule, the ________of a statute are to be understood in the is natural, ordinary or popular and grammatical meaning unless such a construction leads to an Absurdity or contents or object of the statute suggests a different meaning?
  1. Words
  2. Phrase
  3. Sentences
  4. All of above
  1. If you were looking for them earning of provision, the first place you would look is______?
  1. A dictionary
  2. The interne
  3. The definition section
  4. Any of the above
  1. _______sets out in general terms, the purpose of the Act and it often precedes the preamble?
  1. Long title
  2. Short title
  3. Preamble
  4. None of above


Preparation for Pre-Examination Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. Multi-choice questions or MCQs for CS & CA exams. ICSI Online exam solved answers.