12 functions of an Human Resource Management
Human Resources Management ensures the smooth functioning of an organisation. The process starts with formulating the right policies for the job requirements and ends with ensuring a successful business growth of the company. Therefore, HRM is an invisible agent that binds all the aspects of the organisation to ensure smooth progress.

In this modern era, organisations have become more people-centric than ever — especially since this approach pays great dividends in terms of enhanced employee performance and lower attrition rates. Human Resource Management or HRM plays a key role in allowing employers and organisations to reach their objective.

The functions of Human Resources Management hold great significance in the growth and overall development of the organisations. After all, when the employees grow and develop their skills, the organisation will automatically experience growth and expansion. Some of the primary functions of Human Resources Management include job design and job analysis, recruitment/ hiring and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, performance management, managerial relations and labour relations.

1) Which of the following is the correct abbreviation of HRM?

  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Human Resourcefulness Management
  3. Human Relation Management
  4. Humanistic Relation Management

Answer Human Resource Management

Reason : Human resource management is strategic planning followed by several organizations that focus on recruiting, managing, and guiding newly hired employees.

2. __________ is considered as first wage incentive plan in the modern era of the industry.

  1. Barth plan
  2. Halsey plan
  3. Gantt task plan
  4. Taylor’s differential piece-rate plan

Answer Taylor’s differential piece-rate plan

Reason : None.

3. Which of the following is involved in the in-basket training?

  1. Simulation
  2. On-the-job training
  3. Vestibule training
  4. Coaching

Answer Simulation

Reason: In-basket training is a kind of exercise that is accompanied by the organizations while hiring and promoting an employee.

4. Under which of the following methods, common factors related to all jobs are identified?

  1. Merit
  2. Ranking
  3. Factor comparison
  4. Point

Answer Point

Reason: Under the Point method, common factors related to all the jobs are identified. It identifies all the possible job factors under primary groups (i.e., skill, effort, responsibilities, working conditions), typically up to five groups, where each factor is assigned with a dollar value (as opposed to pointing value).

5. Which of the following involves one to one interaction amid the administer and the participant?

  1. Motivation
  2. Counseling
  3. Training
  4. All of the above

Answer Counselling

Reason: To formulate self-difficulties like stress or emotional feelings caused due to heartbreaks or any professional/personal issues, the client set a meeting with the counselor to undertake a counseling session.

6. Stress is laid on __________ in the grid seminars.

  1. Professionalism
  2. Training and Development
  3. Teaching
  4. All of the above

Answer Teaching

Reason: Stress is laid on teaching in the grid seminars. In general, the Grid Training refers to a comprehensive organizational development program, which was formerly developed by Blake and Mouton to put emphasis on the complete development of individuals, groups, and the organization as a whole.

7. Which of the following is enhanced by 360-degree feedback?

  1. Managerial decisions
  2. HR decisions
  3. HRD
  4. All of the above

Answer All of the above

Reason: 360-Degree Feedback enhances the quality of HR, Management, and HRD decisions.

8. What is the difference between the Japanese management system and other management systems?

  1. It is a system in contrast to the American management system.
  2. It is mainly concern with high quality and performance standards.
  3. It is encouraged to perform repetitively and reliably.
  4. None of the above.

Answer It is a system in contrast to the American management system.

Reason: Japanese management system emphasizes creating skilled workers by making them adapt to organizational changes, as and when required.

9. What is included in the content of the job description?

  1. Skills and educational qualification
  2. Job title and work environment
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of the above

Answer Job title and work environment

Reason: The job description provides all the desired information which is required for evaluating a job. Job analysis is a systematic process that collects all the relevant statistics about the job for articulating job description and job specification, required for selecting an employee, providing job satisfaction and motivation, etc.

10. What does job evaluation seek?

  1. Evaluating the importance of different jobs within the organization.
  2. Evaluating employee’s performance of their respective job profiles.
  3. Determining the relative worth of various jobs within the organization in monetary terms.
  4. Establishing the hierarchy of different job profiles in the organization.

Answer Determining the relative worth of various jobs within the organization in monetary terms.

Reason: A job evaluation refers to an efficient way of defining the value of a job in contrast to other jobs within an organization.

11. How are the union leaders elected at different federations?

  1. based on employer’s recommendations
  2. Based on the seniority
  3. Based on political considerations
  4. Based on the democratic principle

Answer Based on the democratic principle

Reason:  Union leaders at different levels and federation get elected on the basis of democratic principle. Organizational democracy refers to the system of organization, which is more focused on freedom than that of fear and control.

12. Which of the following pairs in the given sequence represents the initial as well as the final step incurred in the T&D program?

  1. Evaluating T&D program followed by implementing it.
  2. Determining the need for the T&D program and then evaluating the T&D program.
  3. Determining the need for the T&D program followed by designing the T&D program itself.
  4. Designing the T&D program and then implementing it.

Answer Determining the need for the T&D program and then evaluating the T&D program.

Reason: The (T&D) program, which is abbreviated as “Training and Development,” is one of the most powerful and essential programs for organizations as it makes it easier to make an improvement and develop the skills and knowledge of their employees.

13. Which of the following refers to the term quality improvement?

  1. A team effort.
  2. Achieved by the quality inspector.
  3. Zero things went wrong.
  4. Tough job; somewhat impossible task.

Answer Achieved by the quality inspector.

Reason: Quality improvement can be identified as a structured approach that helps in assessing the performance of systems and processes, followed by determining if there is any need for improvement in both functional and operational areas.

14. For closure, each worker has to compensate with __________ average pay for each preceding year of completed service.

  1. 20 days
  2. 15 days
  3. 25 days
  4. 30 days

Answer 15 days

Reason: For closure, each worker has to compensate with 15 days average pay for each preceding year of completed service. The retrenched employee must be provided with 15 days of average pay for a year of continuous service or any part thereof in excess of six months.

15. Which of the following are one of kind of skills inventory, regression, replacement charts, Markov analysis?

  1. Training plan
  2. Retention plan
  3. Redundancy plan
  4. Forecasting methods

Answer Forecasting methods

Reason: Forecasting refers to a process of formulating the predictions of upcoming events, which requires historical data.

16. Why is the career path in Japanese employee management non-specified?

  1. Rotational job results in providing a benefit such skills that are necessary for top-quality executives.
  2. At the time of induction, the employees within the organization get exposure to switch their careers in different job domains and get themselves trained to have hands-on trending technologies.
  3. In order to keep the employee up to date, the Japanese industries offer rotational jobs.
  4. Japanese management system emphasizes creating skilled workers by making them adapt to organizational changes as and when required.

Answer Japanese management system emphasizes creating skilled workers by making them adapt to organizational changes as and when required.

Reason: None.

17. What is meant by the factual statement of the duties and responsibilities?

  1. Job analysis
  2. Job specification
  3. Job evaluation
  4. Job description

Answer job description

Reason: The job description provides all the desired information which is required for evaluating a job. Job analysis is a systematic process that collects all the relevant statistics about the job for articulating job description and job specification, required for selecting an employee, providing job satisfaction and motivation, etc.

18. What are the possible factors that help in understanding the nature of a human being?

  1. As per one’s behavior at his/her workplace.
  2. Based on how successfully a management team influences an individual employee or a group.
  3. With the help of human behavior’s determinants.
  4. By studying the human behavior of each employee in alliance with the organization.

Answer As per one’s behavior at his/her workplace.

Reason: The following factors help understand human nature:

  • Tasks and workload patterns
  • Working environment
  • Leadership quality
  • Availability of resources
  • Skills acquired by an individual
  • Employee attitude, risk tolerance, and personality

19. What do you understand by the written record of duties, responsibilities, and conditions of a job?

  1. Job enrichment
  2. Job ranking
  3. Job enlargement
  4. Job description

Answer Job description

Reason: A job description refers to a written record of duties, responsibilities, and conditions, including a complete informative portrayal in terms of scope, tasks, duties, obligations, and work environment for any specific job profile.

20. What is the ‘Laisezz Fair’ viewpoint?

  1. A view popularized by Ronssean, Bentham, and Hobbes.
  2. A minimum of public intervention in economic activities.
  3. The business enterprise must get the opportunity to earn more profits.
  4. The change in the concept of labor from the commodity approach to the human concept.

Answer A minimum of public intervention in economic activities.

Reason: None.

21. Which of the following provides necessary information for job evaluation?

  1. Job Enrichment
  2. Job Description
  3. Job Ranking
  4. Job Enlargement

Answer Job Description

Reason: The job description provides all the desired information which is required for evaluating a job. Job analysis is a systematic process that collects all the relevant statistics about the job for articulating job description and job specification, required for selecting an employee, providing job satisfaction and motivation, etc.

22. A/An __________ is considered to be a vertical move in terms of rank and responsibilities.

  1. Appraisal
  2. Reward
  3. Increment
  4. Promotion

Answer Promotion

Reason: A promotion is considered to be a vertical move in terms of rank and responsibilities. The act of promotion elevates an employee to a new position offering higher pay, privileges, or status than the previous one. It mainly refers to the vertical movement in terms of rank and responsibility.

23. A/An __________ is a plan or a program scheme that helps to motivate an individual or a group to deliver outstanding performance.

  1. Promotion Scheme
  2. Incentive Scheme
  3. Reward
  4. None of the above

Answer Incentive Scheme

Reason: An incentive scheme is a plan or program that motivates an individual or group performance. Incentive schemes attempt to link at least a portion of pay to job performance to encourage higher productivity. Incentives, as often called, should be aligned with the behaviors that help achieve organizational goals or performance. Incentives are either individual or group (organization-wide).

24. What is defined as a record of outcomes resulting from a particular job or an activity at a specific time?

  1. Evaluation
  2. Work function
  3. Performance
  4. None of the above

Answer Performance

Reason: Performance can be defined as a set of outcome records generated by a specific job function or activity during a particular time period. The assessment of employee’s performance discloses one’s contribution company’s objectives.

25. Which of the following is the correct abbreviation of MPDQ?

  1. Modern Positions Developed Qualitatively
  2. Management Process Descriptive Questions
  3. Management Position Description Questionnaire
  4. Methods for Personality Development Questions

Answer Management Position Description Questionnaire

Reason: The MPDQ, which stands for Management Position Description Questionnaire, refers to an inquiry form that is utilized in human resource management for analyzing the management positions.

26. Which of the following is evolved in staffing?

  1. Termination
  2. Estimation of workload
  3. Personnel appointments and placements
  4. All of the above

Answer All of the above

Reason: Staffing is a constant process that finds, selects, evaluates, and develops a healthy relationship on the work front between the present and forthcoming employees.

27. What does quantitative technique refer to?

  1. Waiting line problems and the queuing theory
  2. Gaming, Game theory and Probability theory
  3. Models, simulation, and resource allocation technique
  4. All of the above

Answer All of the above

Reason: None.

28. What is mean by decision in management?

  1. To formulate a proper conclusion after considerations.
  2. A decision that looks out for the alternatives.
  3. A decision is the outcome of a group of people or an individual.
  4. All of the above.

Answer To formulate a proper conclusion after considerations

Reason: None

29. Which of the following aims to put the financial measure on an organization’s intellectual capital?

  1. Exchange of knowledge
  2. Financial knowledge
  3. The consortium
  4. None of the above

Answer Exchange of Knowledge

Reason: Knowledge exchange aims to put a financial measure on an organization’s intellectual capital. Information and knowledge can be defined as today’s thermonuclear weapons. Knowledge is stronger and more valuable than natural sources, huge factories, or swollen bank accounts. Organizations perform by using three types of capital: Physical Capital, Financial Capital, and Intellectual Capital.

30. Which of the following tells the correct importance of controlling?

  1. Power to influence people’s behavior
  2. Process of regulating the activities
  3. An important mental process on the part of the manager
  4. To ensure that all of the activities are coordinated as per the plan.

Answer To ensure all of the activities are coordinated as per the plan.

Reason: The process of controlling helps to achieve the organizational goals and objectives.

31. Which of the following takes a full interest in the process of strategic planning?

  1. Training & Development
  2. Quality Control
  3. Human Resource
  4. Production

Answer Training & Development

Reason: The training & Development team takes full part in the strategic planning process. It identifies the target that an organization is trying to accomplish and enlists the desired steps that are needed to encounter while reaching the target.

32. What is the scope of Human Resource Management?

  1. Performing training and development sessions for employee growth.
  2. Maintaining good impersonal industrial relations and worker’s morale for companies’ productivity.
  3. Accomplishing advanced research in behavioral sciences, new ideas in man, management, and advances in the field of training and development.
  4. None of the above.

Answer Accomplishing advanced research in behavioral sciences, new ideas in man, management, and advances in the field of training and development.

Reason: The scope of human resource management refers to all the activities accompanied under the HRM, which are as follows:

  • Human Resource Planning
  • Job Analysis Design
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Orientation and Induction
  • Training and Development
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Compensation, Planning, and Remuneration
  • Motivation, health, safety, and welfare
  • Industrial relations.

33. How many factors were identified by Pettigrew & Whipp to manage the successful change?

  1. Four
  2. Five
  3. Three
  4. Six

Answer Five

Reason: Pettigrew & Whipp postulated five key factors such as environmental assessment,” “leading change,” “linking strategic and operational change,” “human resources as assets and liability,” and “coherence” that are needed to manage the change. It is one such important factor, which is being shared among the high organization.

34. Who suggested that Human Resource Strategy isn’t as effective as it was supposed to be?

  1. Tony Groundy
  2. Peter Ducker
  3. Anonymous
  4. John Zimmerman

Answer Tony Groundy

Reason: Tony Groundy suggested that Human Resource Strategies are not much effective. Mainly HR Strategy (Human Resource Strategy) is designed for a long-term plan created to achieve objectives in the field of human resource and human capital management and development within the organization. Human Resource strategy is one of the outputs of strategic management in the field of human resources management.

35. Which of the following issues tends to be well disguised?

  1. Territorial
  2. Social
  3. Political
  4. Economical

Answer Territorial

Reason: Territorial issues tend to be well disguised. Sales operations adjust territories at least annually and usually include input from first-line managers, who bring local knowledge to the table. When making adjustments to territories, they consider workload, relationships, and even sales rep characteristics such as tenure and experience.

36. Developing characteristics of people are needed to run business in __________.

  1. Short term
  2. Medium term
  3. Long term
  4. All of the above

Answer Long term

Reason: The developing characteristics of people need to run business in the long term. The long-run refers to the time horizon required for a producer to have flexibility over all relevant production decisions.

37. What are those aspects on which the HR professionals apply the risk management techniques?

  1. HR Competencies
  2. HR Strategies
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of the above

Answer HR Strategies

Reason: The Human Resource Strategy refers to an overall plan of a business that helps manage the human capital to align it with its business activities. It sets a direction for all the major areas of HR that includes the hiring process, performance appraisal, development, and compensation.

38. What does a job specification include?

  1. Personal characteristics
  2. Physical characteristics
  3. Psychological characteristics
  4. All of the above

Answer All of the above

Reason : In general, a job specification labels the knowledge, skills, education, experience, and abilities required in a person for the desired job.

39. How has HRM become one of the highly focused jobs?

  1. It focuses on obtaining as well as maintaining a satisfied workforce.
  2. It results in maximum output with the increased customer satisfaction.
  3. It promotes group satisfaction with individual development.
  4. Optimum utilization of manpower by motivation and improving efficiency.

Answer It results in maximum output with the increased customer satisfaction.

Reason: None

40. The business side of the process begins with the strategic __________ as one of the guiding frameworks.

  1. Policy
  2. HR
  3. Plan
  4. All of the above

Answer Plan

Reason: The business side of the process begins with the strategic plan as the guiding framework. Strategic planning can be understood as a process of managing a company’s resources to meet the end results, which mainly involves setting up the objectives, a complete analysis of the competitive environment and internal organization, assessing strategies accompanied by ensuring that management has rolled out the policies across the organization.

41. Who laid the foundation of Human Resource Management practices?

  1. David C. McClelland
  2. Roethlisberger and Dickinson
  3. Peter Drucker and Douglas McGregor
  4. Elton Mayo

Answer Peter Drucker and Douglas McGregor

Reason:  Peter Drucker and Douglas McGregor laid the foundation of HRM practices.

42. Which of the following is considered as strategic activity?

  1. Productivity
  2. Recruitment
  3. Planning
  4. All of the above

Answer Recruitment

Reason: Recruitment refers to a strategic activity as it mainly focuses on fascinating the desired candidates for the specific roles. Selecting is a process undertaken to recognize and select the eligible candidate for the desired job. So, we can conclude that recruitment is not an operational activity but plays a vital role in any organization’s strategic activity.

43. Which of the following fields requires a skilled HR professional?

  1. People handling
  2. Clarifying
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of the above

Answer Clarifying

Reason: HR professionals are required to be skilled in the field of clarifying fuzzy visions followed by providing feedback to the managers and the higher authority at the same time.

44. Human relation approach refers to __________

  1. An approach in which workers are facilitated with humanity at the workplace.
  2. A shared teamwork between the employee and the employer for solving problematic issues.
  3. Forming a group of people on the work front so as to inspire them to work collectively for the company’s growth in terms of social, economic, and psychological productivity.
  4. None of the above

Answer Forming a group of people on the work front so as to inspire them to work collectively for the company’s growth in terms of social, economic, and psychological productivity.

Reason: Human relations are defined as the study of group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal relationships as among employees.

45. Directing, being one of the preeminent functions of Human Resource Management that falls under __________

  1. Operative functions
  2. Technical functions
  3. Managerial functions
  4. Behavioral functions.

Answer Managerial functions

Reason: In order to meet the desired goals or the end results, the manager directs the workers by means of instructing, guiding, and overviewing their performance.

46. What is the need for Human Resource Planning?

  1. For undergoing an effective employee development program
  2. To represent a base for recruitment
  3. To represent a base for selection policy
  4. All of the above

Answer All of the above

Reason : Human resource planning is one of the most strategic functions incorporated by the Human Resource Management team, which analyzes its employees’ capabilities and the demand or supply of work in the market.

47. Which of the following components are reformed to support the strategies of human resource function?

  1. Control systems
  2. Appointment
  3. Rewards
  4. Job allotment

Answer  (a) & (c)

Reason: In order to support the strategies of human resource functions, control systems and rewards are altered. Strategic human resource management is a kind of practice in which employees are fascinated, developed, rewarded, and retained for the growth of both the employees and the organization.

48. Finding ways to reduce __________ is a crucial responsibility of management.

  1. Stress
  2. Dissatisfaction
  3. Uncertainty
  4. None of the above

Answer Uncertainty

Reason: The primary role of a manager is to ensure the daily functioning of a department or group of employees.

49.Human factor can be defined as __________

  1. The entire concept of human behavior
  2. Interrelated Physiological, Psychological and Socio-ethical aspects of a human being.
  3. Micro and macro issues of socioeconomic factor
  4. None of the above

Answer Interrelated Physiological, Psychological, and Socio-ethical aspects of a human being.

Reason: None.

50. Which of the following correctly defines the Human Resource Department?

  1. Functional department
  2. Service department
  3. Line department
  4. Authority department

Answer Service Department

Reason : As the name suggests, the human resource department handles all the organization’s activities pertaining to the employees.

Evolution Cycle of the HR Function

Every Human Resources department develops along with the development and growth of the organization. The HRM evolves through 3 distinct stages where it begins as a Business Function, turns into a Business Partner and afterwards a Strategic Partner.

In every one of these cases, the job and responsibilities of the HR division evolve to be more strategic. At more elevated levels of maturity, the HR department can increase the value of the leadership potential, top talent, company goals, employee retention rate and long haul manageability of the association.

At each stage, the credits and worth added by the Human Resources department change and the mediums required for this will change . At any rate, HR in an association should be liable for overseeing employee information, finance, time management, and setting up organization strategies. The HR department handles the effectiveness of human resource strategies and should be incorporated into every decision making process in the organization.

As a business partner, HR’s job is to meet the “current business needs” with the goal that the association can develop at a quantifiable rate. At this stage, HR moves to competency-based recruitment, pay grades, sudden turn of events, correspondence and organization plan.

HR helps in formalizing the organization hierarchy (who does what and reports to whom). That done, it recognizes the skills essential for each work job. Further, it helps in characterizing programs that are essential for building up these abilities, recruitment strategies to assess the expertise levels and benchmarking the abilities against industry norms and contenders etc.

All out salary (finance and advantages) likewise turns into a centre territory where the HR assists the association with drawing in and holding talented employees by turning into a pioneer in paying the employees.

Utilizing the expertise database and the company structure, the HR work develops pay hikes, improves the preparation capacity and makes the recruitment work more receptive to the abilities required by the association.

Organizations that see their HR as a strategic business partner have faith in giving the full maturity of their HR work. Such organizations are centered around accomplishing leadership roles instead of a year-on-year development.

Importance of HRM:

Strategy management is an essential component of every organization and plays a critical aspect in human resource management. HR managers oversee strategies to guarantee that the organization meets its business objectives while also making major contributions to corporate decision-making, which includes assessments for present workers and projections for subsequent ones based on business requirements. HR is also the agency to contact if any form of professional problem emerges between workers. They guarantee that challenges and disputes are properly handled by examining the topic objectively and fostering good conversation to establish a solution. Furthermore, they assist employees in understanding various methods of creating productive work connections as well as the need not to allow personal judgment to affect their behaviour.

Features of HRM

1. A Part of Management Discipline

HRM is a crucial aspect of administration. Even though it is not considered a profession in itself, it is unquestionably a subject of study. Because HRM is part of the management process category, it largely relies on management concepts, methods and procedures when managing the human resources of almost any business segment.

2. Universal Existence

HRM is universal and is applicable everywhere, irrespective of the size, nature and variety of scopes.

3. Concerned with People

HRM is concerned with the management of human resources or human characteristics in a business segment. It oversees a variety of individuals, including workers/labourers, bosses, managers and other associated senior managers. As a result, HRM is described as the management of “people resources’ and their dedication to their jobs.

4. Action-oriented

Instead of record-keeping, written processes or regulations, the focus of Human Resource Management is “activity.” Employee issues are resolved by sensible policies.

5. Directed towards the achievement of objectives

HRM is focused on working to attain organizational goals. It also gives tools and procedures for properly managing the firm’s human resources.

6. Integrating mechanism

Among the most essential purposes of HRM is to identify the best way to achieve shared goals. It also helps to establish friendly relationships among employees at all levels of a business.

7. Development-oriented

HRM strives to optimize or maximize the usage of employees’ talents or potential. For all of this, it tailors the compensation structure to the demands of the personnel. It also influences staff training in order to improve their abilities. It makes every effort to fully use the capabilities of its people to serve the organizational goals.

8. Continuous processes

Human Resources Management is an ongoing process, it operates from the day an organisation is created until it is disbanded. It primarily focuses on managing the firm’s human capital, which is a continuous process rather than a one-time event or a bad transaction.

9. Comprehensive function

Human Resources Management can never be an isolated process since it involves all employees. No one is exempt from the periphery of HRM, regardless of his or her status, remuneration or kind of job.

13Objectives of HRM:

Some of the key objectives of HRM are:

  • Human Resources managers strive to reduce expenses in areas, such as retaining employees. HR specialists are taught to conduct effective negotiations with potential and current workers, as well as to be knowledgeable about employee perks that are likely to attract excellent applicants and keep current employees.
  • Human Resources managers play an important role in developing employer-employee relationships since they contribute considerably to training and development programs. This leads to staff development inside the organization, hence, increasing employee happiness and productivity.
  • Human resource managers are in charge of organizing activities, events and celebrations inside the organization, which provide possibilities for team development. Furthermore, it increases employee engagement and fosters a sense of confidence and regard among colleagues.

12Top  7 Functions of Human Resources Management:

  1. Job design and job analysis
  2. Employee hiring and selection
  3. Employee training & development
  4. Compensation and Benefits
  5. Employee performance management
  6. Managerial relations
  7. Labour relations

Other Human Resources Management Functions:

  1. Employee engagement & communication
  1. Health and safety regulations
  1. Personal support for employees
  1. Succession Planning
  1. Industrial Relations

1. Job design and job analysis

One of the foremost functions of HRM is job design and job analysis. Job design involves the process of describing duties, responsibilities and operations of the job. To hire the right employees based on rationality and research, it is imperative to identify the traits of an ideal candidate who would be suitable for the job. This can be accomplished by describing the skills and character traits of your top-performing employee. Doing so will help you determine the kind of candidate you want for the job. You will be able to identify your key minimum requirements in the candidate to qualify for the job.

Job analysis involves describing the job requirements, such as skills, qualification and work experience. The vital day-to-day functions need to be identified and described in detail, as they will decide the future course of action while recruiting.

112. Employee hiring and selection

Recruitment is one of the primary functions of human resource management. HRM aims to obtain and retain qualified and efficient employees to achieve the goals and objectives of the company. All this starts with hiring the right employees out of the list of applicants and favourable candidates.

An Human Resources Management helps to source and identify the ideal candidates for interview and selection. The candidates are then subjected to a comprehensive screening process to filter out the most suitable candidates from the pool of applicants. The screened candidates are then taken through different interview rounds to test and analyse their skills, knowledge and work experience required for the job position.

Once the primary functions of HRM in recruitment are completed, and the candidate gets selected after rounds of interviews, they are then provided with the job offer in the respective job positions. This process is important because these selected employees will, after all, help the company realise its goals and objectives.

103. Employee training & development

Imparting proper training and ensuring the right development of the selected candidates is a crucial function of HR. After all, the success of the organisation depends on how well the employees are trained for the job and what are their growth and development opportunities within the organisation.

The role of HR should be to ensure that the new employees acquire the company-specific knowledge and skills to perform their task efficiently. It boosts the overall efficiency and productivity of the workforce, which ultimately results in better business for the company.

Human Resources Management plays a very crucial role in preparing employees for bigger tasks and responsibilities, which leads to the holistic development of employees at work. And an organisation which provides ample growth and development opportunities to its employees is considered to be a healthy organisation.

94. Compensation and Benefits

Benefits and compensation form the major crux of the total cost expenditure of an organisation. It is a must to plug the expenses, and at the same time, it is also necessary to pay the employees well. Therefore, the role of human resource management is to formulate attractive yet efficient benefits and compensation packages to attract more employees into the workplace without disturbing the finances of the company.

The primary objective of the benefits and compensation is to establish equitable and fair remuneration for everyone. Plus, HR can use benefits and compensation as a leverage to boost employee productivity as well as establish a good public image of the business.

Therefore, one of the core HR department functions is to lay down clear policies and guidelines about employee compensation and their available benefits. One of the functions of HR manager is to ensure the effective implementation of these policies and guidelines. This creates equality and builds transparency among the employees and the management within the organisation. After all, the level of employee satisfaction at work is directly proportional to the compensation and benefits they receive.

85. Employee performance management

The next activity on HR functions list is effective employee performance management. Effective performance management ensures that the output of the employees meets the goals and objective of the organisation. Performance management doesn’t just focus on the performance of the employee. It also focuses on the performance of the team, the department, and the organisation as a whole.

The list of HR functions for performance management includes:

    • Developing a proper job description
    • Initiating an appropriate selection process to hire the right candidates for the job positions
    • Providing the right training and education needed to enhance the performance of the employees
    • Enabling real-time feedback and coaching employees to boost efficiency among them
    • Conducting performance reviews monthly or quarterly to discuss the positives and the improvement areas of employees
    • Formulating a proper exit interview process to understand why experienced employees choose to leave the company
    • Designing a proper appraisal and compensation system that recognises and rewards the workforce for their effort and hard work

76. Managerial relations

Relationships in employment are normally divided into two parts — managerial relations and labour relations. While labour relations is mainly about the relationship between the workforce and the company, managerial relations deals with the relationship between the various processes in an organisation.

Managerial relations determine the amount of work that needs to be done in a given day and how to mobilise the workforce to accomplish the objective. It is about giving the appropriate project to the right group of employees to ensure efficient completion of the project. At the same time, it also entails managing the work schedules of employees to ensure continued productivity. It is essential that HR handles such relations effectively to maintain the efficiency and productivity of the company.

67. Labour relations

Cordial labour relations are essential to maintain harmonious relationships between employees at the workplace. At the workplace, many employees work together towards a single objective. However, individually, everyone is different from the other in characteristics. Hence, it is natural to observe a communication gap between two employees. If left unattended, such behaviours can spoil labour relations in the company.

Therefore, it is crucial for an HR to provide proper rules, regulations and policies about labour relations. This way, the employees have a proper framework within which they need to operate. Therefore, every employee will be aware of the policies which will create a cordial and harmonious work environment.

Such a structured and calm work atmosphere also helps with improving performance and aching higher targets.

58. Employee engagement and communication

Employee engagement is a crucial part of every organization. Higher levels of engagement guarantee better productivity and greater employee satisfaction. Efficiently managing employee engagement activities will help in improving the employee retention rates too. HRM is the right agent who can manage the employee engagement seamlessly. Proper communication and engagement will do wonders for the employees as well as the organization. The more engaged the employees are, more committed and motivated they will be.

Human resource teams know the ‘humans’ of the organization better than anyone else. This gives them an upper hand in planning engagement activities. Although such activities might not fall under the direct functions of HRM, they are indeed required for the organizational welfare and employer branding.

49. Health and safety regulations

Every employer should mandatorily follow the health and safety regulations laid out by the authorities. Our labour laws insist every employer to provide whatever training, supplies, PPE, and essential information to ensure the safety and health of the employees. Integrating the health and safety regulations with company procedures or culture is the right way to ensure the safety of the employees. Making these safety regulations part of the company activities is one of the important functions of HRM.

310. Personal support for employees

HRM assists employees when they run into personal problems which may interfere with the workflow. Along with discharging administrative responsibilities, HR departments also help employees in need. Since the pandemic, the need for employee support and assistance has substantially increased. For example, many employees needed extra time off and medical assistance during the peak period of the pandemic. For those who reached out for help, whether it may be in the form of insurance assistance or extra leaves, companies provided help through HR teams.

211. Succession Planning

Succession planning is a core function of HRMs. It aims at planning, monitoring, and managing the growth path of the employees from within the organizations.

What usually happens is that promising and bright employees within the organization who have excelled in their roles are handpicked by their supervisors and HRs, and their growth paths are developed.

This, of course, becomes quintessential as those employees who recognize the fact that the company is investing in their growth and development, and therefore, will stay loyal in the long run. However, while developing such employees towards a higher role, companies must keep in mind several aspects, such as improving employee engagement, assigning challenging tasks and activities.

An employee leaving the organisation can prove to be disruptive and expensive. Therefore, succession planning is a saviour of some sorts, as it helps identify the next person who is just right to replace the outgoing individual.

112. Industrial Relations

It’s usually the production lines and manufacturing units where this HR function is mostly used. You see, Unions exist in factories and manufacturing units. And their responsibility is towards the goodwill about the workers — in fact, they’re always vocal and upfront about.

Now, for a company, especially into manufacturing and production, the HRs must have ongoing Industrial Relations practices. They must also continuously engage with the Unions in a friendly and positive manner to maintain amicable relations.

The true motive of Industrial Relation touches on a lot of issues within the company. For instance, Industrial Relations may be in place to meet wage standards, reduce instances that call for strikes and protests, improve working and safety conditions for employees, reduce resource wastage and production time and so on.

Industrial Relations is extremely important because, if handled properly, it can circumvent protests, violence, walkouts, lawsuits, loss of funds and production time. IR is a sensitive yet critical function of the HR department, naturally, it requires personnel with vast experience.

Human Resources Management plays a major role in the smooth functioning of the organisation. The process starts with formulating the right policies for the job requirements and ends with ensuring a successful business growth of the company. Therefore, HRM works as an invisible agent that binds together all the aspects of the organisation to ensure smooth progress.

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