Here are the some multi-choice questions enlisted for preparation for Pre Examination online Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. These Multi-choice questions or MCQs can help you in your CS & CA and other law related exams. We have also provided Online exam solved answers for your preparation.

Note: Answers highlighted in Green are right answers.

  1. A statute has been defined as the______
  1. Will of the king
  2. Will of the society
  3. Will of them agistrate
  4. Will of the legislature
  1. What is the doctrine of stare decisis?
  1. The doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty
  2. The doctrine of royal pardon
  3. The doctrine of statutory interpretation
  4. The doctrine of precedent
  1. What is case law?
  1. Law representing the decision soft he courts
  2. Law passed by Parliament
  3. Delegated legislation
  4. Case law is not really law at all
  1. What is legislation?
  1. Legislation is law made by judges
  2. Legislation is law made by Parliament
  3. Legislation is law made by custom
  4. Legislation is law made by the Law Commission
  1. How many readings must a Bill have in the House of Commons and the House of Lords Before it receives Royal Assent?
  1. 1 in the House of Commons, 3in the House of Lords
  2. 3 in the House of Commons,1in the House of Lords
  3. 1 in each House
  4. 3 in each House
  1. What is the Committee Stage in the passage of a Bill through the House of Commons?
  1. A committee reading of the title of the Bill
  2. A committee debating the general principles of a Bill
  3. A committee considering the provisions of the Bill in detail
  4. A committee drafting the Bill
  1. How long can the House of Lords delay a Bill (except a Money Bill)?
  1. 1 month
  2. 6 months
  3. 1 year
  4. 6 years
  1. What is a Public Act?
  1. An Act affecting particular individuals or individual bodies
  2. An Act affecting the general public
  3. An Act made in private
  4. An Act made in public
  1. What is meant by statutory interpretation?
  1. The interpretation of a statute by Parliament
  2. The interpretation of a statute by the House of Commons
  3. The interpretation of a statute by the courts
  4. The interpretation of a statute by the House of Lords
  1. What is meant by the purposive approach?
  1. The judge must interpret the statute on purpose
  2. The judge must interpret the statute in the light of the purpose of its enactment
  3. The judge must interpret the statute with a purpose ful manner
  4. The judge must interpret the statute in the purpose of deciding the case before him or her

Preparation for Pre-Examination Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. Multi-choice questions or MCQs for CS & CA exams. ICSI Online exam solved answers.