Here are the some multi-choice questions enlisted for preparation for Pre Examination online Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. These Multi-choice questions or MCQs can help you in your CS & CA and other law related exams. We have also provided Online exam solved answers for your preparation.

Note: Answers highlighted in Green are right answers.

  1. Which of the following is an external aid for interpretation of statute?
  1. Parliamentary history
  2. Use of foreign decisions
  3. Historical background
  4. All of above
  1. When statute do not profess to make any alteration in the existing law, but merely declare Or explain what it is, then such law is known as________?
  1. Codifying statute
  2. Remedial statute
  3. Declaratory statute
  4. Consolidating statute
  1. According to the _________the words, phrases, sentence so fast a tute are to be understood In their natural, ordinary or popular and grammatical meaning, unless such a construction Leads to an absurdity or contents or object of the statute suggests a different meaning?
  1. Literal construction
  2. Mischief rule
  3. Strict rule of interpretation
  4. None of above
  1. Which of the following is internal aid for interpretation of statute?
  1. Long title
  2. Marginal notes
  3. Interpretation clauses
  4. All of above
  1. As per the rule of _________meaning of a word should be known from its accompany ingor Associating words.
  1. Noscitur a sociis
  2. Strict and liberal construction
  3. Ejusdem generis
  4. None of the above
  1. Which of the following are acceptable extrinsic material use in interpreting legislation?
  1. Parliamentary committee reports
  2. Dictionaries
  3. Notes on Clauses of the bill
  4. All of above
  1. Generally ____________are given strict interpretation?
  1. Labour
  2. Welfare laws
  3. Criminal laws
  4. None of the above
  1. If there is any appearance of in consistency between the schedule and specific provision in An enactment, the ________ shall prevail?
  1. Schedule
  2. Provisions
  3. Both will be applicable as per situation
  4. None of the above


  1. Heydons case deals with____?
  1. Mischeif rule
  2. Rule of reasonable construction
  3. Noscitur a sociis
  4. Golden rule
  1. Non obstante clause usually starts with the word___?
  2. Provided that
  3. Notwithstanding anything contained
  4. Save as provided otherwise
  5. Any of the above

Preparation for Pre-Examination Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. Multi-choice questions or MCQs for CS & CA exams. ICSI Online exam solved answers.