Here are the some multi-choice questions enlisted for preparation for Pre Examination online Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. These Multi-choice questions or MCQs can help you in your CS & CA and other law related exams. We have also provided Online exam solved answers for your preparation.

Note: Answers highlighted in Green are right answers.

  1. _____isused to remove special cases from the general enactment and provide for them specially?
  2. Exception clause
  3. Saving clause
  4. Proviso
  5. Non obstante clause
  1. Ut Res MagisValeat Quam Pareatis also known as______?
  1. Rule of harmonious construction
  2. Rule of reasonable construction
  3. Rule of ejusdem generis
  4. All of above
  1. ________contain them an in object of the act?
  1. Long title
  2. Short title
  3. Preamble
  4. None of the above
  1. Heydonscase,in 1584,was resolved by the?
  1. Supreme Court of India
  2. Bombay high court
  3. Barons of the Exchequer
  4. House of lords
  1. When general word follows specific word of a distinct category, the general word may be given are striated meaning of the same category. His general word take its meaning from Preceding expression. This is what is known as?
  1. Rule of harmonies construction
  2. Ut Res MagisValeat Quam Pareat
  3. Ejusdem generis
  4. Expression unisest exclusion alteri us
  1. In the interpretation of statue, an important role is played by____
  1. Schedule
  2. Preamble
  3. Heading
  4. All of above
  1. While constructing a provision in penal statute if there appears to be a reasonable doubt or Ambiguity it shall bere solved in favour of?
  1. State government
  2. Union
  3. Person who would beliable to penalty
  4. None of the above
  1. Which of the following is internal aid for interpretation of statute?
  1. Reference to reports of committee
  2. Statement of objects and reasons
  3. Dictionaries
  4. Preamble
  1. The rules______means the express mention of one thing is the exclusion of other?
  1. Rule of harmonious construction
  2. Primary rule
  3. Ejusdem generis
  4. Expressionunis estexclusionalterius
  1. Internal aid in interpretation of statute includes?
  1. Title
  2. Preamble
  3. Marginal notes
  4. All of above

Preparation for Pre-Examination Test, E-Learning ICSI & LAWs Law Examination. Multi-choice questions or MCQs for CS & CA exams. ICSI Online exam solved answers.